Komentar :
Naufal Thoriq Azarys (20/05/2018 15:23)
toko buku terbaik
Yulia Sari (08/04/2018 00:39)
Always happy when I am in bookstore, hopefully gramedia in Padang West Sumatra being bigger and more complete
tation polari (29/03/2018 07:13)
Cool olace to search some books and things..
Andry Ardian (24/03/2018 07:15)
I think this place you can leisure your brain with friends,family or maybe just yourself. I do it twice a month
Rifdathul Melyani (23/03/2018 07:57)
They are improving. They add some English books now in the store so it'll expand your choices. Also if you need some assistant, the staff would be glad to help.
Erfan Rifai (31/01/2018 07:06)
it's basically a bookstore but completed with sport/exercise related things, up to threadmill.the bookstore itself is on the 2nd floor, quite convenient as well as quite complete.
Siu Cheen (28/01/2018 13:24)
More choices of good stuffs.. some thing that u can't find in regular store..
rizky hermawan (05/09/2017 14:36)
They need to make this place more comfortable and more staff so they can serve customers more responsive.
Hensen Lizar (26/08/2017 07:00)
Easy to park, a bit cramped, only stairs so not good with wheelchair, price is......
Creative Mega Dinamis (21/07/2017 16:36)
Complete students needs. Music outlet, computer accessories, office stationery, fancy stationery, bags and of course : books.
Alfi Rahmi Rusvid (19/07/2017 03:01)
It has a lot of books. But sometimes, it took a long time for restock the book 😧
Putri Anggrayni (14/06/2017 12:23)
They have good books, sayang aja over capasity 😁
Wieky Gusta (30/04/2017 12:17)
Good place n much good book..
Munawar chalil (26/04/2017 11:31)
The one and only gramedia in padang
Iqbal Prayuda Aditya (22/04/2017 00:29)
The place is small and narrow. The books is not as many as I expected. Expensive too. Still it's a clean and a good place to browse books.
chris christiono (13/04/2017 08:06)
koleksi bukunya lengkap
mirip seperti di gramedia jakarta
Yudha Sunarta Suir (09/04/2017 10:46)
Good place to find some book
Stefro Gun (18/03/2017 06:18)
It used to be my fav place to buy book.
denny yulfa (23/01/2017 04:33)
Hadyan Luthfan (12/01/2017 17:57)
Fully equipped. But, the building is too small, it is too narrow and the price more expensive for the same product. So, if you want to buy something, try to find the other store first.
Amirullah Ibnu Madi (29/12/2016 11:04)
I especially love Gramedia Padang coz it now has its own parking lots.
rumah lulur alit (16/12/2016 07:37)
buku2 dan peralatan tulis menulis ok..hanya tempat kurang luas..kesannya jd kebanyakan rak 😊
Wahyudi Maswar (15/10/2016 14:13)
Toko buku yang merupakan jaringan dari Grup Gramedia. Koleksi buku baru disini cukup lengkap, selain itu juga menyediakan alat alat tulis kantor dan alat olah raga. Memiliki areal parkir yang cukup luas bagi kendaraan roda empat, hanya saja, untuk kendaraan roda dua , masih memanfaatkan bahu jalan Damar.
Rehman Khan (16/08/2016 22:34)
Maulana Gituri (15/07/2016 18:31)
The best gramedia i ever visited so far,, not because of the building,, but the memories
Andika Putra (08/01/2016 17:25)
Tempat nya bagus
Alfiah Ulayya Shafa (16/05/2015 06:36)
Bukunya bagus bagus
rama argiola (12/05/2015 09:30)
Bukunya lengkap
Puja Triandini (31/01/2014 12:47)
tersesat :p