About Sae Inn Kendal
Sae Inn Kendal is a lodging, located at Jl. Raya Soekarno - Hatta No.338, Pegulon, Kendal, Kabupaten Kendal, Jawa Tengah 51313, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 294 388338, visit their website saeinn.com for more detailed information.
Helmi Hariyadhi
" Awesome place you can feel earthquake at your room without media information:v "
05 May 2018Dyllan Attalah
" I love this hotel, its very clean, staffs is very helpful and fast response.in the center of Kendal also has beautiful view from 5th floor "
28 March 2018Pia Pio
" The place was good. Comfy to spend time. But I have bad experience about the food on their restaurant. I ordered Ramen but what came is an instant noodle. Nothing special if compare to the high price. They should increasing their quality so its equal. "
16 February 2018Denny Nurtanio
" Sa ae ni hotel "
10 February 2018PT. Media Jagat Raya Tours Travel Batam
" When a big truck cross the road. We feel earth quacks. The hotel's buildings is shake
08 January 2018realyyy...???
one of guest review "
Timoteus Setyawan
" Its a nice small hotel with big amenities big heart. A cafe ready to accompany you thru the night or dip yourself into pool and enjoy night besides padi fields "
16 December 2017Ginanti Nistantya
" nice place to sleep "
12 October 2017Arindra Saktiawan
" When a big truck cross the road. We feel earth quacks. The hotel's buildings is shake "
30 September 2017Alex Basido
" Verry verry good "
29 September 2017Adhie Saputra
" Small but cozy place to stay if you have some business in Kendal "
07 September 2017Mohammad Said Subhi
" Nice room, easy to find... "
18 July 2017Kharis Great
" Nice place "
11 June 2017Sodin Cacing
" Ok "
24 May 2017Dhany Arie Wibowo
" Tempatnya bagus...sayang kopinya berantakan rasa dan tampilan. Mulai dari vietnam drip sampe lattenya g enak. "
26 March 2017Cendekia Kartono
" it's a decent enough place for a hotel in quite a small town "
21 March 2017Himawan Adji
" One of the best hotel in town. Affordable price. Nice view. "
11 March 2017Lutfi Zaenudin
" ok "
25 February 2017Oki Irawan
" salah satu tempat beristirahat eksklusif di kota kecil seperti Kabupaten Kendal dengan fasilitas yang mewah "
31 January 2017Ricki Junaedi
" Hotel paling bagus di kendal, namun agak bising dan bergetar kalo ada truk lewat.. Kayak gempa kecil gitu.. Hehe "
17 November 2016Agung Hidayat
" Lumayanlah kendal udah ada hotel berbintang... tp blm pernah check in, ini pas kondangan soudara 6nov2016 "
06 November 2016Donny Winardi
" Transit di hotel ini 27 oktober 2016
27 October 2016Staff ramah, pelayanan bagus, makanan cukup baik
View kamar bagus sekali sawah yang hijau
Sayang goncangan kendaraan besar kadang terasa di kamar lt. 3
Sangat direkomendasikan untuk yang ke kendal atau transit "
Chyno Kimba
" Hotel yang nyaman untuk menginap, bisa menjadi tempat bagi wisatawan yg singgah di kota kendal.
08 October 2016Bagus dan nyaman tempatnya. "
" grandopening "
30 August 2016Tri Budi Ardianto
" Ayo "
13 August 2016