Komentar :
Cak Gundix (10/03/2018 06:00)
Cocok bagi penggemar tahu campur & lontong balap Surabaya jika kebetulan berada di Kediri.
Gabriela N. Pradhita (07/01/2018 10:52)
this place has the best tahu campur & lontong balap in town. Seriously.
Syauban Anas (12/11/2017 01:46)
Boleh dicoba
faizal rizal (16/02/2017 01:38)
Gado-gado is one of the well known dishes from Indonesia. One dish salad meal (potato, egg, tempeh and vegetables) served with crunchy prawn crackers and an incredibly delicious peanut.
Mugi Brillianto (29/01/2017 03:40)
Gado gadonya enak