Komentar :
Liamarliani Widia (10/02/2018 14:35)
This right place for you to learn TOEFL while enjoy your coffee
Orju Yamena (28/12/2017 00:06)
No problem
Kadek Edy Sutrawan Marta Yoga (26/12/2017 01:25)
Good for study English and TOEFL, you can join discuss about TOEFL exercise in Rumah Inspirasi. Try to TOEFL test every saturday and sunday 07.00 am until 09.00 only 10.000 rupiah per test.
Muchsad Syafrizal Oda (24/11/2017 00:12)
Very good place for study
Nirmana Adhelia (02/09/2016 23:33)
You can learn toefl almost everyday here freee.. only need to buy a drink or food around 3,000 - 20,000 rupiah you will get knowledge and new friends
Izzur Rozabi (07/10/2017 05:26)
Ini punya teman saya, ufuwan, semoga bisnisnya lancar.
Nurul Ilmi R.H (25/09/2017 00:56)
Cafe yg dilengkapi dengan perpustakaan mini, setiap senin malam hingga sabtu malam diadakan scoring toefl untuk mengasah kemampuan dalam menjawab soal toefl
Rinaldi Sahri (22/04/2017 15:47)
sangat membantu belajar structure di pare, gratis lagi
BeeBiw (22/01/2017 10:35)
Asik buat nongkrong
singgih pramono (10/01/2017 15:53)
FYI, Every Evening in this cafe serves a TOEFL simulation preparation, especially in Structure section
Rusman BSM (27/12/2016 15:08)
Tempat belajar TOEFL yang asik, bisa dapet teman baru buat belajar dan diskusi bareng...
Omank Zaman (15/06/2016 10:23)
Pelayanan ramah, cepat. Tempat enak buat belajar. Yg punya cafe jago TOEFL
Syakir Hamdani (28/09/2016 14:10)
Mantap Jiwa