Komentar :
Edo Christianto (25/03/2018 08:50)
rasa berasal dari bahan pilihan, yg melumer menjadi satu didalam mulut, menghasilkan rasa yg tak tertandingi (kata pepatah harga terwujud dari rasa)
ayu anita (11/03/2017 11:14)
Gunawan F (24/04/2016 03:46)
I like japanese roll. Yummyyyy....
E Loeminto (20/02/2016 09:32)
You should buy japanese Pudding 😍
So soft and not to sweet 👍
Once you eat, you'll fly 😛
Røuff (18/08/2014 14:13)
Japanese roll おいしい. I never thought can find shortcake here
Ressa Morpeus (03/01/2017 06:09)
mantab nih cakenya
meiria jubilanti (01/06/2016 08:51)
Enak banget 😍
Eve Loeminto (20/02/2016 09:32)
You should buy japanese Pudding 😍
So soft and not to sweet 👍
Once you eat, you'll fly 😛
Mohammed Abdul Rouf (18/08/2014 14:13)
Japanese roll おいしい. I never thought can find shortcake here
大坪章 (13/04/2016 05:43)