Komentar :
Mawan Adi Candra (18/05/2019 09:28)
Nice church
Andreas Setiawan (03/01/2019 00:37)
god blesss
nerdz artemic (05/09/2018 05:02)
one of 2 sanctuary in Kediri city, operated by CM (Conggregatio Missio) order which this order mission & vision to help and improve life of the poor and forgotten people. This Church located near Brantas River and Sekartaji garden and most of all near city education and governmental district. beside number of catholic member just only 1-2 % of population of Kediri this church offering a quiet place because of vast garden surrounding the church building.
malvin piero (03/05/2018 06:46)
A great church in Kediri
Toshi Benito (05/09/2017 04:51)
Good place for pray
Mas Cahyopurnomo (10/05/2018 06:08)
Gereja yg adem ayem dan ramah tamah
evan escape (16/03/2018 14:56)
tempat ibadah umat Katolik.
Wahyu Wilis (10/03/2018 10:32)
tempat ibadah umat Katolik
lambartdi lius (13/02/2018 10:23)
Edy Suharyono (21/01/2018 23:18)
Tempat ibadah umat katolik Kediri barat, tenang nyaman.
Syauban Anas (12/11/2017 10:54)
Gereja katolik yang cukup besar di kota kediri
wiwien santoso (18/09/2017 00:00)
Gereja Katolik kulone kali Brantas.
Candra Galuh (07/02/2017 12:37)
rumah Tuhan
Zhafron Kautsar (07/09/2016 09:01)
Gerejanya SMAK