Komentar :
Aty MS (12/05/2018 07:28)
My review is :
Great place and view.
1. Don't give up with the journey. It's very worthy.
2. My advice for you is please bring your camera with lots of spare memory and prepared your leg. Because you don't want to leave any spot in this area.
ardi wahyu (08/04/2018 11:49)
Arum Budiasih (05/04/2018 12:42)
The view so beatiful. Love it!
Fuad Mohammad (29/03/2018 15:47)
Amazing, goodview, this beach has titanic 😁😁😁
Yonnika Maharani (19/03/2018 08:30)
Like a private beach
Dila Nurlaila (08/03/2018 03:46)
Nice place, I promise you
andrie aditya (26/04/2017 09:01)
Unique since they developed the cliff ard the beach and not the beach itself. This resulted in various spot which is great for taking picture or enjoying the view. Not to mention the "creative wise word" ard the premises (need to understand bahasa) XD
Devi Nanda BaytiRahma (01/08/2017 22:12)
allianza dirrin (01/07/2017 05:15)
Nice place
andi ananta (23/02/2017 12:36)
Wish you were here
Rumahku Surgaku (16/02/2017 10:51)
Its amazing...
cwarepp dayat (04/01/2017 02:16)
Best view..
Setyawan Agus (03/10/2016 03:08)
Well. Great view. The thing is an access to the beach is pretty difficult.
ahmad arifin (31/07/2016 08:18)
So Good 👍
eko prabowo (09/08/2016 19:03)
Pantai baru dan lagi ngehits dikebumen.
Anneke Hayuningtyas (26/07/2016 18:21)
Tebing titanic, rumah pohon, jembatan segitiga 👍🏻 kreatif abis 😁
Anis Syafaat (11/07/2016 03:52)
Bagus banget
Kasiran Siran (08/06/2016 08:24)
Pantainya sungguh indah dan pasirnya yg putih sungguh menawan ,waktu kunjung 2015 .
Imam Ma'ruf Fuady (13/03/2016 10:45)
Pantai pasir putih dengan beberapa susunan batuan karang yang bagus dan perahu-perahu nelayan
Adhi Kurniawan (20/12/2015 04:26)
Khas pelelangan ikan. Baunya menyengat. Tp ada objek baru yg bagus. Salah satunya pantai celeng.
Rizak Yusan (15/08/2015 16:04)
Masih alami, bagus