Komentar :
Ginanjar Abdurrahman (20/03/2018 23:58)
Need toilet outside the station too, not only inside the station...
Ika Agung (24/02/2018 06:20)
Transit station for Economy Class
sigit dc (23/09/2017 15:01)
It seems like dirty one stasion
Falah Dinullah (13/09/2017 17:40)
Small train station with mini market facility
dirmawan hatta (01/11/2016 04:09)
Beautiful old colonial building with a modern touch here and there. Part of the PT Kereta Api Indonesia railways network, its convenient atmosphere reflect the state-owned company to expand his service, at the cost of disappearance of traditional food sellers.
Otis Ridho Ratmoko (30/11/2017 08:01)
Bersih, nyaman
Amin Rosidin (27/06/2017 11:29)
I've been there
Fariz cannel (14/06/2017 00:00)
Good job
Airlangga Jati Kusuma (13/05/2017 02:38)
Just a small train station, but it have many facilities
Sebastian Schmitt (23/04/2017 20:23)
arjuna supriyadi (28/02/2017 21:19)
Tempat bersih enak nyaman . Sayang tiket parkir terlalu mahal
Gas Pol (13/02/2017 06:01)
Mulai rapi n tertib
Eko Prasetyo (25/01/2017 15:28)
Galih Putrantyo (26/12/2016 00:00)
"Satu tempat banyak cerita."
Asmoro Danu (28/09/2016 06:31)
ana diamond (06/08/2016 23:48)
sepagi ini antar suami yg mau bertugas 1 minggu d jkrt
Bagus Wicaksono (06/11/2015 13:25)
Because i love Kebumen
Gb Jkt (28/09/2016 09:17)
masilan silan (18/07/2016 02:20)
Sudah lebih tertib dan bersih.
Agus Swasono (13/05/2016 12:28)
Penuh kenangan