Komentar :
Zona Nyaman 69 (23/01/2020 09:15)
There is no water ????????????????
Solihin Subekti (20/06/2019 05:40)
Cuma lewat waktu nganterin Ibu mudik
Rifu54 Garage (28/04/2019 05:10)
Not bad deket city market
Wahyu Chanel (29/12/2018 04:58)
Tetep A Pathoni (14/11/2018 12:06)
The place is clean enough for a stopover for telecommunication children instead of a gas station, there is a prayer room, the water is clean, there is a kitchen, you can make your own coffee, the price is really cheap, 50 thousand per night which is standard enough for 3 people
fritspambudi nuryo (02/06/2018 02:48)
hotel melati yg kurang terawat karena pengelolaan belum profesional
Iman Widiyanto (21/03/2018 15:48)
Lokasi di google map ada dua
Bagus Wicaksono (14/11/2016 11:23)
Hotel Lukulo. Udah berdiri sejak lama
Astuyr Verela (18/06/2017 07:34)
Lukulo punya
After Asep (05/05/2017 10:49)
harga terjangkau
fasilitas lumayan
dan strategis
Bagus Wicak (14/11/2016 11:23)
Hotel Lukulo. Udah berdiri sejak lama
Hanggit Raga (23/04/2016 15:57)
Aplikasinya mantab