Komentar :
Szkuufay fay (01/11/2020 11:29)
Good taste...
Aji Tri (12/10/2020 12:23)
sutanto wiyahya (18/08/2020 09:01)
Ren_ ? (20/06/2020 08:30)
fuad rahmad (25/05/2020 05:57)
Best in town!
Muhbasir Basir (22/05/2020 12:53)
Bayu Garnis Kumbara channel (04/02/2020 14:46)
Its good place
Saklar Kita (29/01/2020 07:25)
Definitely my favorite spot for having lunch in kebumen
Andri Yanto (14/10/2019 11:49)
Ok lhhhh
zakinrzmn_ (12/05/2019 11:29)
good,but it is pretty hot in there..since there are so many crowd in there,but the food is delish and overall good,i just could'nt handle the heat tough :)
Irvanda Kurniadi (20/03/2019 08:11)
"Bakso urat" in this place is awesome. You can also order with extra flanks and innards. The cost is around 15,000 - 20,000 rupiah.
Rovey (20/11/2019 02:02)
good place, good food
zaki_en_ . (12/05/2019 11:29)
good,but it is pretty hot in there..since there are so many crowd in there,but the food is delish and overall good,i just could'nt handle the heat tough :)
Farrah Munif (01/05/2019 09:57)
Good food, good price
Wahyudi (17/04/2019 13:00)
Yummy, clean, nice location
feri Triyanto (24/03/2019 04:14)
Recommended...clean and hygiene...the food was ok
gilang pamungkas (13/10/2018 10:13)
Popular meatball cafe in Kebumen
Irfan Dani (26/09/2018 11:11)
So so laah...
Vicky Ayyubi (26/09/2018 01:19)
in this place it is very comfortable place because it is clean, and also the building is contemporary, on the other hand here meatballs and chicken noodles taste five-star restaurants but the prices are sidewalk
Amalia Wardani (05/06/2018 15:01)
Good taste
San Silver (04/06/2018 14:02)
muhammad kafi (23/04/2018 02:03)
Bakso e enak
Erni Nuraini (09/03/2018 13:11)
Tasty meatballs
Nurul Qomariyah (21/02/2018 12:15)
Nice food, cozy place..
Bayu Sapto Kurniawan (30/12/2017 06:40)
The meat ball soup is the best.. Juara
Weka99 WeKa (23/06/2017 17:54)
Bakso Aan with Cozy Place, with new building...
Mostly crowded following the place on pemuda street...
budiono hadisuwarno (28/09/2017 13:45)
bakso aan woow
Setiana 0606 (14/09/2017 15:10)
baksi sing terkenal nang kebumen.. rasane enak.. ana macam2 bakso.. murah cukul 13.000n djamin meremelek
wahyu ariwibowo (13/08/2017 08:45)
Herman Hermawan (02/07/2017 11:41)
Bakso nya cukup enak.. tempatnya cukup lumayan nyaman.. tapi untk lahan parkir mobil tidak di sediakan
Adi K. (28/06/2017 06:51)
Bakso Aan juara nya sang legenda. Saat lebaran ramai banget. Ngantri 25-60 menit. Harus sabar2 klo mau makan bakso aan saat lebaran..
The Heart WeKa (23/06/2017 17:54)
Bakso Aan with Cozy Place, with new building...
Mostly crowded following the place on pemuda street...
Gilar Pradana (19/05/2017 02:18)
So so...
Ali Sufyan (17/05/2017 12:56)
Kpan gratisanya
Sunar To (14/05/2017 23:15)
Saat ini msh nikmat
Rasyid Zuhri (12/05/2017 07:20)
Enak brooooooo
Titis Nugroho (31/03/2017 02:55)
Baksonya enak dan mantap, sukses selalu
heri sujono (21/03/2017 07:58)
Good bakso...
La Roiba Wahyatillah (01/03/2017 12:32)
Warung bakso yang ada di Jl Pemuda Kebumen ini, ada dua pilihan tempat, di lapak lama (kaki lima di atas irigasi), atau sedikit di sebelah utaranya untuk tempat yang lebih nyaman.
eko juni (13/02/2017 05:15)
Tempatnya bersih, baksonya lumayan enak...
hari harjanto (29/01/2017 06:52)
Mie ayam enak
Dwi Riski (11/01/2017 12:04)
sukaaa bgt sama tempat, makanan,minuman, pelayanan,fasilitas! buat yg suka nongkrong lama2 kaya aku dan nyari menu makan enak ? disini tempatnya. paling cinta bakso uratnya pak Aan wkwkwk. tapi btw kadang makanan baru nyampe meja aku suka mikir, apa kenyang makan sgini ? tapi pas abis 1 mangkok dan mau nambah ternyata porsi pas 😊 cuma kurang kuah 😅
Setyawan Agus (14/11/2016 07:41)
Baksonya enak...