Komentar :
Choirul Anwar (07/06/2018 02:47)
ENTIONO Ajalah (10/03/2018 15:09)
Layanan keamanan masyrakat
Bobi Saputra (12/02/2018 17:12)
Melayani masyarakat
Adriansyah Putera (21/12/2017 06:22)
Polisi Resor Kota Bengkulu or Polresta Bengkulu for short, is the city police department that serves as the primary responder for all things requiring police services within the city of Bengkulu.
This city police department is near from the main street and easy to find it. Most police officers here are friendly. The application process for a driver license is pretty inconvenient, but I can see that all existing divisions are trying to serve better. Visitors are not allowed to park withing the police dept. compound due to the limited space. I hope that Polresta Bengkulu will have an official and easy to navigate website with valuable information about resources, programs, and services for Bengkulu community soon. Thank you for everything.
Dadang Supriyadi (05/11/2017 09:14)
Lokasi pinggir Jalan, mudah ditemukan.
Dekat dg balai adat kota bengkulu.
zinja rone (03/11/2017 11:01)
Pelayanannya semakin oke