Komentar :
Fadlun Maros (12/05/2018 09:10)
Just another fast food restaurant. We got here coz that big M accross the street is too crowded and no indoor seats were available while outside seatings were full of smoking people. When we're here the only beverage available with the food package is Coca Cola! The price is slightly cheaper than others. My kids love the playground coz no other kids are around. Feels like their own private playland. Ice cream is available but the size is smaller. Coffee? They use instant coffee, so definitely a big no for the coffee.
Juwita Debora (02/05/2018 12:51)
Salah satu tempat makan di focal points. Ada area makan di dalam ruangan dan luar ruangan. Area bermain anak juga ada. Untuk menu sih standard, sama seperti menu makan dan minum di tempat fast food lain. Cuma rasanya masih kurang. French fries ukurannya besar-besar, warnanya juga pucat sehingga kurang menarik. Untuk sistem pembayaran, saat ini ada promo dengan bank Mega dan BCA. Sayang satu mesin kasirnya sedang rusak, jadi harus antri.
Mikha Cimora (23/03/2018 10:48)
Kajian Sunnah (25/01/2018 01:55)
Tempat makan fast food di focal point, ada tempat duduk outdoornya. Menu nya juga banyak ada pie kentang, ada mozarela, spageti dan lain lain. Pegawainya juga ramah-ramah bahkan mau mengantar pesanan ke meja pelanggan, tidak seperti restoran fast food yang lain yang menyuruh pelanggan menunggu sambil berdiri.
_ Gatsby (08/06/2017 09:00)
This chain isn't that spacious and it's warm, which seems aircons aren't working in this place. Foods are decent, modified according to the local taste.