Komentar :
Dethasya Rebecca Uli Siagian (31/05/2018 21:24)
Often used for events that are related to USU. But could be used externally. The audience capacity is about 1200 seats.
Evander Philip Hasibuan (30/05/2018 12:51)
"A place where USU new students are welcomed, and a place where old students are graduating"
Made Satya Nugraha Gautama (18/05/2018 15:19)
Great place!
bilter panjaitan (12/04/2018 03:47)
Tempat olahraga para anak muda, halamannya hijaudan asri
Blitz prime (29/03/2018 13:16)
Great hall for any occasion
riswandi B (13/03/2018 06:29)
Just missing my graduation day.
HASIM ASHARI (01/03/2018 09:27)
How green this place
Alvinur Naswar (23/11/2017 12:34)
Good place
Joshua Daniel (07/10/2016 17:25)
Good..but not great. Yet i appreciate it
hermanto simatupang (19/01/2017 07:08)
More people gathering on Saturdays and Sundays.
Evelyne Theresia (05/12/2016 05:16)
New building. New chair after renovation, toilet not clean and have 2 toilet only
Sabri Basyah (20/05/2016 22:54)
No clean toilet and lousy painting... Also dangerous stairsteps near the podium.