Komentar :
imagine Tang (10/06/2017 04:52)
very good dr febian
Yoges Singaram (07/12/2015 10:48)
I have been going to many Fertility centres in JB in-search for the best place to perform IVF but was not really satisfied with the services rendered and the hidden cost that might occurs.
A close friend recommended me to this centre. My first visit was on August 2015. The Doctor, Dr. Fabian J Kurian is a very humble man. Although he is a very busy man, he answers all our queries very patiently. We finally decided that we should immediately start our IVF journey with an Esteemed Organization like TMC. We were given a brief explanation on the cost and duration of the treatment.
The staffs here are courteous, well-trained, very friendly and always welcome us with a smiling face even with their busy scheduled. I wish to commend their staff named Anis Fasiha for the way she handled, motivate us and explains all the treatments and medicines. She would ensure that we fully understand it and does not mind repeating it many times.
I have successfully completed my IVF treatment and so far, there isn't any hidden cost.
To all the staff of TMC Johor and Dr. Fabian, Keep up the good work and may GOD bless you all.