Komentar :
Syafi Assyafi (10/04/2018 13:54)
Kirim no WA nya gan
devi tri setyowati (12/12/2017 04:24)
Surga elektronik ini menjual hp dengan harga murah? Apa benar ? Dan katanya lagi Dikson. Dan hp bm
na handra (28/11/2017 15:02)
Common e
Anthony Sheng (09/05/2017 07:55)
Good services and things delivery on the same day of purchase
installation done after confirmation to the store
Stuart Jeffrey (25/04/2017 07:53)
Purchase a hot water heater system and shop says they will come to the house to install it on Tuesday. No contact from the installation technician or supplier up to lunch, so we decide to call them. The shop says they say they cannot come because of rain! Are you kidding ! Now very upset and will take the heater back for a refund. There are many other suppliers that will go out of their way to help the customer and win their trust for ongoing business. Not Surga it seems. I will take my business to someone else in the future.
EXOTIC PRESENT (25/11/2017 08:34)
Ka mau tanya,DELFIA betul bekerja di surga elektronik
Condriano Ki (07/08/2017 07:47)
was amaze with the store items, didn't think in small city like Batam got an electronics store with this quality, and the price is cheaper then other stores
Ahmad Samsul (14/06/2017 06:10)
Harga barang benar benar murah,
Sebelumnya sudah lihat lihat di toko lain dan setelah ke Nagoya Hill liat harga barang di surgaelektronik lebih murah jadinya beli langsung di tempat,
Toko elektronik terbesar di Batam!!
Cris Alex (20/05/2017 07:31)
cari cari cooker hood yang cocok dimana mana gak ada, pas lewat toko masuk liat liat ketemu juga yang cocok, barang pajangan di toko juga lengkap tidak kalah dengan toko toko electronics di singapore. Semoga makin berkembang dan ada diskon terus! hehehe
Royal Gamer (13/12/2016 09:31)
Beli AC, pada saat di toko katanya sudah dg ongkos pasang, pas nyampe ternyata ada bayar lagi teknisi nya. mengecewakan! jangan percaya omongan manis salesnya
أبـــو فـــهـــد (11/12/2016 13:55)
لا ادري
Purwanto Sianturi (08/12/2016 10:03)
Lengkap, hanya saja jika beli dengan kartu kredit harga dinaikkan lagi, toko tidak mau menanngung biaya kartu kredit.. Toko elektronik terbesar di Batam