Komentar :
Nurhafizah Nafis (04/12/2017 05:58)
The female clerk at the counter needs to learn how to greet outpatient & also smile when attending to queries , the doctor is good & manage to talk out concern against health . As of time , needs to be more accurate . Told me the estimated time is nearly 30 minutes more but have been sitting for 1 hour 20 minutes .
ning ma (16/02/2017 07:48)
It's really quite cheap and the doctor is very nice
Thant Thiri (23/08/2016 03:46)
Doctor is very kind and skillful. It only charge consulting fees and medicine for 24$ only for my stomachh pain . The most cherishing clinic in the town.
Dennis Tan (04/08/2016 08:10)
Very great and experienced doctor. cheaper than polyclinic
Anil Thomas (18/04/2016 00:19)
Great doctor. Really talented person and I feel he is doing charity by offering so low rates and amazed for not charging a single cent once I was not prescribed any medicine
Samyap9491 (27/11/2015 11:27)
The attitude of the nurse was just horrible. And time taken to wait for our turn was way too long. 6th in the que and told to wait 45mins but ended up waited more than 90 mins!