Komentar :
PL Ingrezs (19/04/2018 09:53)
Hidden Lunch Spot for VS Students. Expensive though...
Arun Kchetty (16/01/2018 00:55)
So nice place to have good food.
Terence Yeo (30/09/2017 07:40)
Good place to pump air for car and bicycle tyres, has retractable and extendable air hose.
anand aherkar (30/09/2017 07:07)
Good service! There is ATM and mini store for quick buy of milk, bread or soft drinks...
Andrew Chong (24/09/2017 12:00)
The staff are very friendly and responsible. They will wipe your car's windscreen without asking and inform you of the free gifts available.
ANG C S (31/07/2017 01:36)
Very convenient to grab your drinks, hot up purchased food and tidbits while waiting for your petrol.