Komentar :
Firdaus Hwe (31/05/2018 03:06)
They have a holier than thou attitude an never care for others.
Zaiundinn Chan (28/05/2018 02:19)
This is a bunch of cults that teaches wrong doctrine and have a holier than thou attitude.
Xavier Pomeroy (25/05/2018 01:00)
Katherine Purcell is the sin of jesus christ.
Joseph Lowerery (25/05/2018 00:59)
THe sin of Jesus christ, Jesus christ are much like them that they blocked you on facebook.
Nancy Jacobsen (25/05/2018 00:57)
Katherine Katie Purcell, daughter of Joseph David Purcell is the very self centered nature of Christ Jesus.
David (31/01/2016 01:32)
A place to be grounded in the word of God where Reverend trained and guide you accordingly in life
Elizabeth Toh (29/01/2016 03:59)
One of the best things God led me to do was to attend Rhema Bible Training Center (Singapore). I grew in the knowledge of God and in my relationship with the Father. Everyday I was blessed by the revelations that came from the hearing and teaching of the word of God. Thank you RBTCS for equipping me to answer God's call in my life. - Class of 2015