Komentar :
Devang Sumad (04/05/2018 17:23)
Rahul Kumar meena (01/05/2018 04:54)
Sam Yap (12/02/2018 15:47)
moon khai (18/11/2017 09:53)
Stop comparing evg with riverside based on looks, both are great schools but evergreen obviously have more discipline, just ask riverside students personally about what their classmates are doing outside of school *uh hm* *smoking* etc - a student from evergreen with friends from riverside
Lukas Kwan (02/09/2017 13:56)
Dynamic school that think & cares! Friendly cosy comfy professional warm ambience for bringing up future leaders of Singapore.
Irene Lu (09/02/2017 12:19)
Go riverside, they even beat us in website design...
Not Ken (16/11/2016 09:17)
a great school with okay teachers.
Muhd Aide (03/01/2017 14:55)
First day sucks
destroyer irfan (14/02/2016 10:24)
it is alright!
Kan Daimai (12/10/2015 12:24)
There is no "i" in team,but apparently,there is one somewhere in "group projects"
Suriah Suratman (14/02/2016 10:24)
it is alright!
CliffordOfTheCentury COTC (01/07/2013 15:15)
Please do not arrange any activities on Tuesday mornings. Students like me need our sleep during this precious Tuesday. This is from your student, Clifford Lee Kai Feng