Komentar :
Zainalsj Albukhary (26/01/2018 13:50)
Armada Persada(Johor)Sdn Bhd the best company will helping and guide clients to be successful and have are good future.
came and joint.
Armada Persada (10/01/2017 08:53)
Armada Persada (Johor) Sdn Bhd as known as APJ has been established as a diversified civil works company that empowering urban development in various fields throughout Malaysia. Believing in challenges as the key of satisfaction, APJ alter the definition of company improvement into a new boundary. Becoming a fast growing organization, we serve every projects with high level of professionalism. By putting quality and performance above the stage, allowing us at the young age to be a part of RAPID Pengerang development project.