Komentar :
Denny Krisnawan (13/10/2019 14:43)
Good view, various menu, slowly services. Restaurant with a various menu of Sundanese cuisine. The taste is ordinary and almost same with another Sundanese restaurant. Located inside the industrial estate at Karawang city and not too far from the toll gate, has a large dining area at indoor and outdoor. Slowly services for the food and beverages, the customer will take a long time for waiting, recommended to booking the menu before come to this restaurant. There is a small lake at the back of the restaurant. Available a mosque for praying and clean toilet. Parking area is wide enough so that this restaurant is often used for business meetings for companies inside the industrial estate.
Muhammad Prayoga (27/04/2019 03:51)
Nice place and relaxing👍🏻👍🏻
Hardjanto Saleh (13/08/2018 04:58)
Very interesting resto with a lot of taste culinaries.
Rusbetty Manurung (05/08/2018 11:29)
Recommended place for fun bike
Erick Panji Sulthon (30/06/2018 12:18)
Romli PayTren leader (18/03/2018 08:50)
Good for relaxing your brain's
All Mbrk (04/05/2018 10:49)
Bagus, bersih, yang penting asri, banyak pohon, seger dah pokoknya
Suparmanf521 Parman (05/04/2018 05:23)
Banyak pilihan menu dan pelayanan yang sangat baik. Di tambah suasana alam yang penuh kesejukan
Romli Kaji (18/03/2018 08:50)
Good for relaxing your brain's
Api Agape (19/01/2018 17:34)
Saya take away ikan bakar. Guosong ikannya. Berasa makan arang. Kalau makan ditempat sih ok. Makanan lumayan, tapi ngga istimewa rasanya. Jual pemandangan.
Lucky Hakim (12/12/2017 03:40)
Belakang tempat kerja... Pt ajinomoto
Andhi Baron (21/07/2017 07:45)
Disinilah lokasi Pembibitan semua jenis pohon dan tanaman langka dan juga tempatnya yang sejuk dan rindang oleh pepohonan
Cadil Eka (09/06/2017 21:05)
Hibar Ilhamsyah (28/05/2017 02:39)
Cozy Place, makanan pun lezat2, masukan mohon di perbaiki akses jalannya
Wahyu Permana (07/05/2017 01:04)
Penataan sangat rapih
andy siswanto dewantoro (27/04/2017 06:08)
Dekat dari kantor...