Komentar :
Luli Mitra Pambagyo (16/06/2020 06:57)
One of Karawang favourite buffet. No AC is their disadvantage while large array of food & beverage is their advantage in competition with other Sundanese restaurant
daeize d (15/01/2020 16:20)
Indonesian (sundanese) food taste
Chandra Berlian (21/12/2019 09:26)
try this local resto once, you will be coming back for sure...
the one that making this resto different is, they serve sundanese food and padangnese food all together under one roof...
Afriyadi Kutianyie (13/10/2019 07:50)
great sundanese food, especially the meat soup. but this place considered pricey.
Dwi Yunianti (18/09/2019 05:46)
Cozy place, reasonable price, very recommended ????
The Hope (31/05/2019 14:26)
Normal Taste. Regular place..
Budi Setiyawan (02/11/2019 00:05)
Simple and tasty for sunda's food.
John Nuryadin (25/08/2019 08:35)
Nice sundaneese resto....hot and spicy
Adang Apandi (26/06/2019 00:24)
Local karawang cuisine mix with Padang style good, nice and reasonable price even affordable price for office staff.
Eko Susilo (31/05/2019 14:26)
Normal Taste. Regular place..
Desartono Soetjipto (21/03/2019 08:54)
Nice food
Sumartono Satu (13/12/2018 04:14)
Nice place, delicious taste
Denny Krisnawan (28/11/2018 16:28)
Various local menu, delicious, famous as Sundanese cuisine and Padang cuisine. Restaurant with a lot of local menu, but the famous menu is Sundanese cuisine and Padang cuisine. One of the favorite menu is beef soup, good taste of broth. The location is on the side of artery road, not too far from toll gate of Karawang Barat, also available adequate parking area. There are available toilets and a Musholla for praying. The price is quite competitive compared to the competitors.
CUCU JANNAH (18/04/2018 06:45)
Masakan Sunda, dengan menu andalan Gabus Pucung. Sopnya enak bikin mata melek.
Tri Harsono (14/04/2018 07:16)
Makanan lengkap.... tempat duduk banyak, terdapat lesehan ... menunnya Prasmana, Untuk minuman lengkap... dari air putih sampai Es Kelapa muda.
Parkirnya luas dan gratis. Masakan nya enak enak dan Yang jelas harganya juga terjangkau/ murah. Resto ini buka mulai pukul 8.00 Sampai pukul 23.00.
hoddi pagehgiri (22/03/2018 03:32)
Makanannya enak. Gule kambingnya apalagi, mantap rasanya. Rendangnya empuk. Piring licin tandas tak bersisa 😃
Acep Ridwan (16/02/2018 15:37)
Tempat nyaman, adem, pelayan ramah, harga murah, parkiran luas, rasa juara. Ga nyesel klo tiap ke karawang mampir dulu makan siang ke sini. Pilihan menu banyak, enak semua, cuma minumannya aja kurang gereget malah ada yang kemanisan. Yang jelas makanannya bikin nagih. Best place lah...
Ferry Zuljanna (10/01/2018 11:12)
Rumah makan Bu Cucu 2 Perumnas Telukjambe, Karawang Barat
Sop kambing enak
Ikan kecil/wader digoreng kering enak
Lalapan segar
Sambal bermacam-macam
Bayar cash maupun kartu debit dan kredit
Lokasi strategis
Merupakan cabang kedua dari rumah makan Bu Cucu di Klari, Karawang Timur
Pilihan makan siang yang tepat
Jumlah meja dan kursi cukup untuk sekitar 80 orang
Parkir muat sekitar 15 mobil