Komentar :
Padli Nisa kk Hilman (13/11/2020 17:58)
Impressed with his service.
Hardono Umardani (30/10/2020 03:40)
Use this insurance PARAH ... take care of old claims. It has been confirmed to the partner workshop directly instead of asking to move to another workshop. Submission of claims rejected by pieces of panel jump is considered not in accordance with chronology, do not want the survey directly to see the car. It's going to be striped of the body, the claim is approved in bits and pieces ... in fact the analysis is illogical. PADAH bin DIFFERENT!
DJAPRAX 17 (08/10/2020 07:23)
Quickly bner his claim
Ahmad subairi (21/09/2020 08:45)
First experience, oh my
heru Awanto (13/02/2020 06:51)
Bagus pelayanannya
AREA BEBAS (14/12/2019 03:35)
Pelayanan baik
Cak Dikin (28/05/2019 05:17)
Tutup yg berbau hal Ribawi satu persatu.. pelayanannya ramah cepat dan menyanangkan
Mumuh Muhammad (12/11/2018 12:31)
Berapa yah premi buat mobil Brio Satya type E manual th 2015, yg allrise
Sam Kardono (23/09/2018 12:28)
3i_network system
Deni Mulyadi Studios (02/02/2018 06:55)
ACA pelayanannya cepat, sy puas waktu klaim saat itu.
Dedi Kurnia (18/06/2019 04:22)
Ada banyak rasa
mirza dwinanto (30/09/2018 04:08)
Silahkan yg mau bertanya-tanya tentang menabung cerdas di CAR 3i networks.
danu toyota (16/08/2018 01:40)
Pelayananya skrng sdh bagus dibanding dlunya, pertahankan
Bayu Edisusanto (01/05/2018 05:30)
Makasih mas Uus...servisnya mantap...ramah...responnya keren...terbaik
andri agtian (20/03/2018 15:27)
Ini kantor cabang CAR 3i Network atau ACA?
Aditya Tian (28/02/2018 22:50)
Almi Alfin (17/09/2017 14:03)
Tempat saya manabung sambil berinvestasi
Insya Ansori (29/03/2017 07:22)
Pelayanannya bagus.
Yudha Witanto (25/08/2016 05:29)
Training hari 9