Komentar :
Muhammad Firdian (20/12/2020 03:30)
Great car wash with one stop service.
Bubun Muhibun (15/12/2020 23:32)
solihin santa (25/10/2020 11:23)
Sopyan Saori (01/09/2019 05:38)
Angga Purniawan (20/06/2019 23:13)
Rido Tea (05/01/2019 03:19)
Great place to wash your ride. Excellent service.
Berda Drata (30/03/2018 04:34)
Fast, but often missed a spot or two. Be sure to check your vehicle thoroughly or you'll end up with dirty spots
Luthfi Fadhli (17/02/2018 00:55)
Good place to wash your car, 1st robotic car wash in town
Rizky Rahmadini (29/11/2017 11:07)
They really wash the car so clean amd neat, but the waiting place is awful. The cafe though, have 2 air conditioning but feels ao hot inside.
Luthfan Auzan (16/08/2017 08:25)
They washed my car pretty thoroughly, no complaint there. The waiting lounge is cozy, and you can hangout and enjoy decent foods while they wash your car.
samtrans official qory (01/09/2019 05:38)
Erwin Susanto (19/02/2018 06:09)
Best place for washing your car
Sukma Jaya (16/09/2017 02:28)
Any cafeteria inside
Wahyu Warsono (19/08/2017 14:41)
mohon informasinya kalau pasang kaca film full untuk mobil daihatsu terios berapa ya?tks
Budhi Harjo Sanyoto (23/07/2017 09:54)
Good service
Ry Agustian (04/07/2017 06:31)
Ngantri lama gapapa...
Free wifi, makanan/minuman banyak, ruangan ber-ac...
Laik this...
Sri Lestari (01/07/2017 15:24)
Hari libur tetap buka, tempat menunggunya nyaman, pelayanan nya cukup baik
Naomi Adriana (20/06/2017 01:26)
Nyucinya cepet, udah gitu ada cafenya jd nunggu pun ga terasa
Ardi Yuanto, ST (18/05/2017 03:12)
Tempat cuci mobil terbaik di Karawang. Menyediakan 2 tipe pencucian yaitu hidrolik da robotik ditopang oleh tenaga cuci yg handal dan professional. Menyediakan cafe&resto jadi pemilik mobil sambil menunggu bisa makan dan minum. Recomended bgt. Namun roboticnya jgn sering rusak nanti pelanggan kecewa.
Agus Hertanto (16/04/2017 12:21)
Dilengkapi dengan robotic washing car
Raden Dhanie (15/01/2017 09:26)
Tempat bersih & ruang tunggu nyaman
galih arexjava (11/08/2016 01:29)
isro mustriaji (03/08/2016 13:05)
Andin Krisna (08/04/2016 11:21)
Tempat cucian mobil letaknya paling strategis di karawang