Komentar :
Joshua Lie (25/05/2018 08:12)
Delicious food n cozy place
Vitria annika sari (19/05/2018 05:25)
Fresh air, affordable and quiet pleasant food
Yb Agus_s (22/04/2018 01:20)
A restaurant with various menu (indonesian, chinese, western). It offers cattering service and place for wedding party.
Alexander Batumasindah (18/04/2018 03:34)
The place is good and the foods too. You can bring your childs to enjoy the food here
Franky Yeo (24/03/2018 09:44)
Wonderful local delicacy serves restaurant.
David Gusrizal (30/12/2017 14:42)
A lot of parking area and delicious food.. clean restroom and musholla available
edy winarto (19/12/2017 10:46)
Good for "sunda" food especially "nasi tuk2"
Agustinus Leonardo Pagardin (03/12/2017 08:57)
Good restaurant with nice place for family and gathering, have place for kids to play and feeding fish in pool, a lot of choices for food and drinks..
hendra Adrenalinemxpark (16/09/2017 03:42)
Great food, mostly sundanese and chinese food. spacious parking lot. Nice place to reduce stress
Karna Alpinata (11/08/2017 10:02)
Tempat nyaman, hidangan cepat, menu komplit, rasa bikin gregetan...😘
Andi Limanto (16/05/2017 15:29)
Kriswanda Krishnapatria (15/05/2017 04:27)
Good food with local cuisine. However, the price is rather expensive
Wandy Spoiler (30/04/2017 17:53)
Sangat menyenangkan
toro omen (28/03/2017 06:08)
Recomended untuk acara2 pernikahan,gathering kantor dll,tempatnnya nyaman,area parkir luas,namun akses menuju lokasi jalannya menanjak,dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan borma sukamiskin
A. M. Arifin (21/03/2017 09:48)
Sundanese restaurant. Good food good service, reasonable price. Near tol exit/entrance.
Suraji Romadhon (22/01/2017 11:00)
Good menu..... Good food.
Dyah Ayuningrum (20/01/2017 16:46)
Salah satu restoran khas masakan sunda yg direkomendasi. Tempatnya cukup nyaman dengan kapasitas yang cukup besar. Disediakan juga hall utk acara-acara besar semacam pernikahan, gathering perusahaan, dll. Melayani delivery juga.
adi sukardi (22/11/2016 14:02)
Good food tradisional?!!
Rere Rustini (03/10/2016 06:33)
Menu nya berfariasi,tmpt nya nyaman harga nya terjangakau....
Hery Prasetya (20/06/2016 04:26)
Makanannya enak, ada menu yang recommended disini yaitu Ayam Api. Tapi jangan memiliki harapan tinggi untuk jus buah-nya; jus buah-nya encer!! Area parkir cukup lega, terpisah antara mobil dan motor. Ada ATM center juga. Satu hal lagi, sepertinya pihak manajemen restoran harus lebih memperhatikan kebersihan dan kondisi toilet.
Arie Cipta Permadi Acp (09/09/2016 11:12)
Masakannya enak..harga bersahabat