Komentar :
Ali Amirudin,ST (24/05/2018 07:38)
Agus Sigit Wisnubroto (24/05/2018 03:17)
nice hotel..this is the only good hotel on this area..
Edit Agung Kusumo (29/04/2018 01:10)
I think this place is comfortable to stay
Avo Yuuri (26/02/2018 11:03)
good hotel
alya Olshop (11/02/2018 02:42)
Irma Meilani (26/12/2017 18:54)
Sasa Chandra (17/02/2017 00:16)
Good enough... Better if it have breakfast facilities too
punch guard (27/11/2016 15:57)
everything great, good room, good employee, good food, 24hours security and what important are near gas station and police station
Virdy Ramadhani (21/11/2017 10:00)
nur fita (19/10/2017 08:16)
Suraji Romadhon (09/09/2017 07:24)
Room nya ok.
Nizar Aditya (25/08/2017 06:09)
Not too good
Ahmad muhkami (17/08/2017 09:32)
Hunian perhotelan nyaman asri untuk keluarga dan umum
jembar kurnia (10/08/2017 13:04)
Wajib bawa obat nyamuk semprot...
Raditya Prayoga (27/06/2017 06:45)
Staf ramah, tempat bersih dan tidak bising, biaya menginap masih relatif terjangkau,,,, makanannya juga enak hanya saja banyak nyamuk (mungkin karena banyak pohon depan pintu kamar)
Riyadh Rifaldi (03/05/2017 13:00)
Tempatnya terbaik👍
Ahmadyudiyanto Godreees (22/04/2017 06:53)
Tempat sering saya menginap
Marwan Daru Purwanto (02/03/2017 14:11)
Nyaman, harga terjangkau, pelayanan baik
Putri Ganis (17/02/2017 00:16)
Good enough... Better if it have breakfast facilities too
zaenuri elpicici (03/02/2017 16:01)
nice place