Komentar :
hamdi muhammad (05/05/2018 09:59)
Tempat luas, tapi parkirnya kurang kalau weekend. Hp ketinggalan dan ada yang menemukan dan diserahkan ke security. Alhamdulillah.
idle past (18/02/2018 10:23)
The building is actually good, but lacking of stores/shops so you may find it boring if you're planning for only check, basically a book store with toys shop and some accessories shop. They also have a quite cozy caffé.
Miley Cathalina (15/02/2018 03:55)
I love books, stationery and gift stuffs so I Wil definitely recommended this place. A lovely place to hunting things....
CM -Ant (25/01/2018 10:26)
Good bookstore. Many books over there, good facilities and sometimes had an event. Discount for members, and much more.
Edy Eko (13/01/2018 01:35)
Good place for free learning. But the upper floor is still yet to open
Puspa Indah Ramidawati (19/11/2017 10:01)
It's faster if u use motorcycle on Kalimalang street, but the road are not really in good condition. For car I'm not really recommended.
For another u can use car on usually way. TOL or public road are good.
Samuel Guswindo (04/11/2017 06:35)
Good collection of books. Comfy & modern place.
Justinus Henry (16/10/2017 15:09)
This place looks good... Many kind of books in here
yuli hantoro (05/09/2017 23:56)
Nice placed, open at 10:00 am
teguh sulkhan (19/07/2017 12:20)
Good place for your inspiration
Hondrius Agus Setiawan (01/07/2017 23:17)
Need more Improved in services, and stock book still more in the system, but actually zero stock. Improved in book quality.
Kusuma Wardhani Panca (27/06/2017 11:03)
Nice place
Kriswanda Krishnapatria (15/05/2017 04:06)
Best book Shop in karawang. Some imported books are available
Faza (14/05/2017 13:54)
The biggest bookstore in karawang city.
Nurul Aenah (24/04/2017 17:52)
Because this is place that I work
Dicky Sandy Pradiptya (19/04/2017 23:58)
Banyak variasi buku. Dengan harga yang murah. Tidak hanya menjual buku saja, ada yang lain. Seperti alat musik, olahraga dan yang lainnya.
Suryanto Aripin (12/04/2017 10:48)
Asyik deket rumah dan deket pusat keramaian lainnya di kawasan Galuh Mas... Hanya lantai bawah dan lantai 3 nya belum dioptimalkan...
Abdurrahman Shiyam (06/02/2017 11:12)
Big building
Tri Harsono (27/12/2016 11:57)
Masih kurang lengkap penjualan nya. Kalah sama gramedia lain...
yulia nova rina (02/12/2016 13:12)
Akhirnya ada gramed disini, setelah 6 bln berdomisili disini, susah cari bacaan, eh gramed nya akhirnya launching.
Boleh donk kapan-kapan undang Fiersa Besari dan Boy Candra. Mengupas tuntas bukunya, bersama penulis hebat itu. Sekalian bisa foto bareng dan minta ttd nya di buku.
Ditunggu ya gramedia....🙂
A1 Video (01/12/2016 04:24)
Koleksi buku kurang lengkap. Karna masih baru.
Baru 2 lantai yg diisi.
Lantai G : tenant, cafe,
Lantai 1 : buku, tas, alat musik.
idad sadudin (16/12/2015 09:36)
under construction
Agung Wiyono (21/10/2016 09:08)
Udah buka nih...
Kesiea Indah Kartikadewi (09/07/2016 08:36)
Aku cuma nanya, kapan sih bukanya.
Mau beli Buku Sketsa
Aura Nadhir (02/05/2016 07:36)
Grame dia seru
Boby Setiyadi (18/02/2016 15:13)
Belum buka woy, udah ada yg sugest aja