Komentar :
Lilis Sulistyowati (14/12/2019 06:52)
verry good service
Anie Kea (03/08/2019 05:51)
Ilham Wahid (27/07/2018 10:44)
Good place for you to make a beautiful with a profesionale therapist
fransiska aling (08/07/2018 09:19)
helpfull and nice staff, comfortable and clean place, complete facial treatment. it has salon inside the clinic and i always feel satisfied with the hair cut result.
Alifia Nidi (17/03/2018 15:00)
This morning was my first time to have facial treatment here. Everyone is so friendly yet easy to talk with. I paid for 35k for a membership but I will get 10% discount for every treatment. Such a good deal. The doctor herself is good but she doesnt really talk much. You have to ask first about your face condition otherwise she will only give you a prescription. It was less than 5 minutes talking to her. But once again she is good and friendly. The facial itself is not that hurt. It is indeed hurt but I ever experienced the worst. The facial room is narrow and dark. I suggest to make it larger and put a good lighting (as someone works there, they need enough lighting). And the room refresher! Over all, i satisfied with the service! Oh! They give free beverage too!
Adi Rachmat (12/06/2019 08:45)
Is the best
nidi alifia (17/03/2018 15:00)
This morning was my first time to have facial treatment here. Everyone is so friendly yet easy to talk with. I paid for 35k for a membership but I will get 10% discount for every treatment. Such a good deal. The doctor herself is good but she doesnt really talk much. You have to ask first about your face condition otherwise she will only give you a prescription. It was less than 5 minutes talking to her. But once again she is good and friendly. The facial itself is not that hurt. It is indeed hurt but I ever experienced the worst. The facial room is narrow and dark. I suggest to make it larger and put a good lighting (as someone works there, they need enough lighting). And the room refresher! Over all, i satisfied with the service! Oh! They give free beverage too!
Donna Novita (03/11/2018 07:36)
Awesome place, harga murah. Tempat bersih
Wahyuni Yuni (15/08/2018 03:38)
For beauty skin
ujang asep (26/05/2018 04:01)
Beauty clinic
Ariana 12 (11/05/2018 07:30)
I'm so relax that if boring and stay few hours in here
Marlia Rahmah (10/05/2018 08:18)
Very nice and good service
Hannah Nurhikmah (01/05/2018 05:03)
Salon skincare...yg komplit....ada dokter ahlinya low...jadi kita ga usah takut klo mau melakukan perawatan..kita bisa konsultasi dulu sm dokternya..udah gitu gak terlalu mahal..bisa dipasin sm kantong kitaππ.. Udah gitu tempatnya nyaman bgt..pelayananya jg ramah...pokoknya Farina Begitu Clinic Aku bgt deh...π
Elvin Halim (07/04/2018 13:09)
Terima cukur bayi π
Niti Senjani (27/03/2018 13:50)
pempek sayangan (12/02/2018 09:43)
Nurmala Indah (03/02/2018 09:50)
Farina Beauty Clinik is the Bestπππ
kahril gibran (06/09/2017 19:19)
Klinik kecantikan ibu ibu...
yoyok setioko (24/05/2017 02:23)
farina d bsd city tangerang kenapa belom ada
Rifki Ali Akbar (15/05/2017 08:45)
Saya ingin bli pemutih wajah yg bsa ngilangin bintik"bekas jerawat kira"brpa iya dok
Danu Danu (28/04/2017 08:00)
Berapa harganya
Erwina Lestari (27/03/2017 04:58)
Mau nanyaa kalo mau beli cream nua aja boleh nggakk?
Fitri Iryanti (04/12/2016 01:42)
Pngen prwatan..mka aku brjrawat.kira2 brpa ea
Mira Ropiah (21/11/2016 11:43)
Mau ke farina lagi difarina harganya sesuai kok jadi bisa pilih mau treatment apa. Cuman pengen ngilangin bekas merah jerawat ini waktu berobat ke farina jerawat udh lumayan gak banyak bgt tinggal bekas ajah merah" pengen di ilangin .supaya cpet pake apa yah sist
Fahh 05 (17/11/2016 03:16)
Mau nanya , kalo suntik pengen putih ada gk ya di farina ??
Mia Mey (24/10/2016 12:15)
Halo sis mau konsul buat pipi yg tembem pengen tirus dong,, kira2 perawatannya apa yaa ??
anissa cyg km (20/09/2016 15:34)
Ingin ke sini tapi beli crim ya az buat muka berapa y
helyatun nupus (26/10/2015 12:48)
Dulu pertama kesini tahun 2013 degan jerawat basah merah bernanah gara2 slah make up sekarang 1 tahun ke farina sudah bersih dan sampai tahun 2015 sekarang masih pakai...trmksh farina harga Ny juga ngak terlalu mahal kok sist
Dewi Widowati (22/10/2015 19:01)
Saudara saya gak sembuh jerawatnya
reni aulya (10/04/2015 09:22)