Komentar :
Fadhil Andrianto (08/08/2020 22:44)
Sandi Handika (10/05/2020 08:35)
Apakah masker sensi sudah tersedia??
Rendy Rahmadi (10/04/2020 11:34)
Di toko ready masker nggk ya????
cloudine media (06/04/2020 14:22)
harga terjangkau , 24 jam nonstop !! ramai pelangan !!
GTA777 Judi Pulsa oNline
daryono yono (06/02/2019 05:52)
Yg butuh obat tengah mlm daerah teluk Jambe ada apotik yang buka 24jam
Denny Krisnawan (06/09/2018 00:56)
Helpful, open 24 hours, complete stock of medicines. This medicines store is quite a place to help people around who need medication, especially for sudden needs at night. The stock of medicines is quite complete with a fairly competitive price. Friendly service and customers can be helped to do light consultations for the selection of medicines. The location is quite strategic on the edge of the main road and there is a sufficient parking area.
Didi Supriadi (19/08/2018 11:46)
24 jam
andy siswanto dewantoro (28/03/2018 09:40)
nyari obat
Nanna hery (13/02/2018 08:38)
Apotik komplet 24 jam...
Pelanggan ramai...
lokasi strategis...
dede supriatna (16/06/2018 03:50)
lokasi sangat strategis, buka 24jam
marthyn kidd (20/11/2017 08:18)
komplit obatnya,
pelayanan ramah,
harganya terjangkau,
buka 24 jam hari libur tetap buka,.
Arief Gangstarasta (30/04/2017 12:23)
Ada obat pemutih kulit gakn
ANING (20/04/2017 16:13)
Komplit obatnya 24 jam bukannya.
Dita Nurul (24/06/2016 05:41)