Komentar :
william wahyudi (19/01/2018 10:20)
A small hotel with clean rooms and reasonable price.
Wissa Harry (19/12/2017 23:51)
Reasonable price, clean room, located in the middle of the city and lots of foods seller around it. A great place to stay with your family or your lover. If you love nature, from this place is a short distance to local lake, hill and forest. The food in this area is cheap but have a good taste and most importantly is clean. At night you can hangout at local food tenant or they call it "angkringan" in front and besides the hotel. This place usualy open untill dawn. Overall, I recommend this place.
Parno Parno (20/08/2017 06:03)
Lake and mountainary vieww
Vin Andrees (05/08/2017 13:52)
Nice palace
Hushy Max (20/07/2017 13:53)
Great location and reasonable price
Johanes Kurnia Wijaya (11/10/2017 16:03)
Dekat dengan telaga, banyak penjual makanan, baik kamar maupun kamar mandi bersih. Namun suara dari luar masih kedengaran, jadi kalau pas rame nggak bisa tidur nyenyak deh..
Sugianto Sentosa (15/09/2017 03:44)
Bagus.. bersih... kamar luas... harga merakyat...
Catatan : air di perbaiki. Biar bisa stand by. Ngak musti mau pakai harus minta dinyalain dulu...
Agus Setiawan (10/08/2017 01:10)
Duingin jack
Rina Jakup (20/07/2017 13:53)
Great location and reasonable price
resi hadi wirabuana (19/07/2017 15:06)
Lokasi sangat strategis,apalagi buat yg bawa orangtuanya. Enak nggak jauh jalannya,plus kamar dan fasilitasnya cukup bagus.
One Collection Mascelboy malang (31/05/2017 13:06)
Hrg nya terjangkau dan pemandangannya bagus
Yenny Oktin (01/01/2017 12:25)
Mengutamakan kebersihannn....lokasi dekeet ama makanaaan....kulinerrrrr timeee
fuad nur azis (01/12/2016 02:09)
Kamar y enak cm pelayanannya yg agak kurang
Dennis lizard (05/08/2016 17:34)
ika mardi (01/07/2016 11:55)
Ini kali ke dua keluarga kami menginap di villa Tiara,, ruang kamar yg luas, modern, bersih dan room rate nya sangat reasonable. Cocok sekali untuk keluarga.
Tiara Permata (28/05/2016 13:14)
Bagus sekali aku sekarang di sini