Komentar :
alk0dri 19 (28/05/2018 04:37)
Beli apa-apa ada :v
Dyota Yung Jun (27/05/2018 21:02)
Sebuah taman yg memiliki nama taman pancasila, tak sekedar nama karena taman ini ada monumen pancasila 1945.
Taman ini biasa dipakai untuk perekonomian mikro rakyat dalam artian banyak pedagang kuliner yg menjajakan makanannya disini.
Taman ini juga terdapat toilet nya yg agak bersih.
Masih inget banget dulu sebelum taman ini direvitalisasi, betapa buruk, kotor, dan sampai sampai dijuluki sebagai "taman pesing" karena banyak yg pipis sembarangan ditaman.
Well semoga dari pemerintah maupun warganya tetap menjaga kebersihan dan selalu ada maintenance berkala demi keindahan taman
MBLAEM 901 (27/05/2018 11:36)
Tempat yang cocok untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga atau komunitas, dekat dengan jalan raya dan ada akses Wi-Fi
Arif wahyudi (21/05/2018 11:45)
Nice place to playing with your kids and family,,, a lot of local culinary
Rahmat Muslim (01/05/2018 02:56)
This is a good place for vacation...
dephy handoko (11/04/2018 12:29)
Karina Astary (30/12/2017 11:39)
Common park during the day, a cool public space at noon. There are many traditional food stalls sell delish snacks and food. They also sell lotta cute stuffs. You even can find cute printed socks only for Rp 10k/3 pairs. They also offer cool playground for children and rented mini car and motorcycle. Cool. But sometimes, the street can be too crowded, moreover during the holiday.
desi wulandari (25/12/2017 10:59)
It's a night market that sell various things from clothes to culinary with low prices
Devrie Larasati (25/12/2017 05:58)
It's good to find some joy and fun, especially for a kid. But, the street is too crowd with cars and motors.
fathimah sulistyowati (11/12/2017 10:20)
A public park with so many local cuisines sellers. Recommended to try eating traditionally in the food stalls!
Mukhlis Prasetyo (09/11/2017 18:19)
play with family at here. enjoyable familyable
doles elbicnivni (13/10/2017 04:21)
Nice place to hangout at night
azis abdullah (05/10/2017 02:28)
Nice place for rest and almost complete for recreational park but always crowded in the night
Hanung Teguh (17/09/2017 08:37)
Taman yang multifungsi. Kalau malam semarak dengan pesta rakyat
Jessee Schonheit (27/08/2017 03:39)
Good place for enjoy the time with family
Annisa Rakhmawati (22/07/2017 00:00)
Good spot for run or regular workout
fajar sulistyaningsih (12/07/2017 07:27)
Kids will find this place exciting. Many options of snacks and plays.
Stief Susanto (27/06/2017 12:44)
You can get farious local food and beverages here... usually crowd at the weekend or during holiday.
Hendra Yulianto (19/05/2017 11:38)
A beautiful park on karanganyar regency
daria gumulya (18/04/2017 12:32)
A landmark karanganyar, a place for refreshing
Elyas Djoko Sembodo (22/03/2017 06:56)
Its just getting better
robertus harijanto (04/02/2017 09:32)
main di kra
Its a park in the middle of karanganyar city. Lots peoples go here at noon and at night. In the morning till noon, not much people are here.
Bischach Firsteka Prabowo (13/12/2016 09:20)
I live here dawg! Need a guide?
Hafidz Wahyu Nur Cholis (12/12/2016 09:04)
Good place to hang out with family. There are a lot of food stand to be chosen.
retno wulan sari (26/10/2016 23:50)
My niece really love this place. Its always crowded at night. People sell many things: traditional food, clothes, and they have some amusements park as well.
aprilia widyanti (09/10/2016 07:10)
Andri Pamungkas (23/08/2016 09:29)
Nice to festive
taufik dwi nur rahmat (09/07/2016 23:26)
Tempat nongkrong
abdul madjid (07/07/2016 10:35)
Hiburan rakyat, supaya lebih merakyat, hehe... Jajanannya super murah tapi ngangenin
Sakti Eldurra (29/06/2016 23:18)
Good place. I loved
Reza Tirta (29/05/2016 00:23)
Resik nggone
parkir parkir (24/02/2016 05:21)
tempat nya orng tentram