Komentar :
Russetia Nugroho (01/03/2018 03:07)
The best chinese food in town.. I love it..
guntur utomo (03/01/2018 03:23)
Harga makanan bersahabat...porsi lumayan banyak...
paulus abram (04/09/2017 14:53)
Wah tempat makan yang enak dan murah, walau terkesan kecil, tapi rasanya top.
tcha sonia (02/07/2017 11:58)
Termasuk pelanggan disana, tempat yg dituju untuk beli lauk enak dan murah...
Giant Story (07/03/2017 11:26)
Stackofsugar (27/11/2016 06:45)
The food was great, but unfortunately, the waiter and the waitress of purnama resto wasn't so nice. They keep on insulting their visitors, including me.
Hans Vere Liem (28/09/2017 08:34)
Aris Saptono (02/06/2017 10:06)
Cukup enak chenes foodnya
Shefi Azhia (16/03/2017 02:02)
Semuanya enak murah enakmakan disni aja
sugiyanto (07/03/2017 11:26)
Digno StackOfSugar (27/11/2016 06:45)
The food was great, but unfortunately, the waiter and the waitress of purnama resto wasn't so nice. They keep on insulting their visitors, including me.