Komentar :
Prasetyo Budi Widagdo (01/05/2018 05:43)
Just a normal petrol station... lokasi agak sulit dijangkau karena di bawah fly over palur
Rudye Ban Motor (04/01/2018 01:36)
Dimas Priambodo (02/12/2017 13:53)
Kalau kehabisan bensin pasti pasnya disini....heheheh...cuma atm xentrenya g nyaman nih....mungkin saran saja untuk kebersihannya...ditingkatkan y..
Farhan Muntaqo (14/10/2017 02:44)
It's kinda little difficult to reach cause you have to go to roundabout under the bridge before you can get in this station.
Agus Mubarok (30/05/2017 12:39)
Nice pom
RENTAL MOTOR SOLO HUB.: 085 642 679 109 (17/02/2017 07:09)