Komentar :
Eds Armanto (04/02/2020 02:07)
auto repair for all kind of your cars.. good services
kasani abdulhadi (24/04/2019 22:58)
I want to correct the description of this place , in Google maps it is written as Oto Clinic Parts Store , but in fact , it is a big car workshop , named as Bengkel Oto Clinic . Many kinds of car repair & service can be carried out in this workshop for instance : from engine overhaul to car painting , wheel alignment to car washing etc . Moderate quality of service and the repair cost is rather expensive .The waiting room is nice .
So , spare parts store is only a complement of this workshop and not the main business . Google , please correct it . Thanks a lot ! ðŸ‘
Lestari Kopo (18/03/2019 09:25)
nice place
Dudung R (26/02/2019 02:35)
Stephanus Budhi Satya Putra (30/10/2018 14:39)
Service excellent gan
Agus Hariyadi (23/02/2018 11:15)
Giant Saputra (17/02/2018 06:05)
Bengkel dengan tarif murah, tempatnya juga luas, ruang tunggu yang nyaman dan gak jauh dari rumah
Gamers 99 (16/02/2018 10:34)
Bagus pelayanannya
Maharani Wahyu Siwi (04/01/2018 06:16)
Tempat untuk servis mobil segala tipe lengkap, murah, banyak pilihan paket servis.
Tempatnya luas, ada toilet dan mushola.
Hujan Gerimis (27/09/2017 03:27)
pilihan paket service yg lbh hemat
Saryanto_ Saryanto (03/08/2017 12:26)
Bengkel yg murah dan cepat pelayanannya
Bowo Arya (10/06/2017 05:09)
Servis mobil all
ijah khotijah (27/05/2017 12:47)
Bengkel Mobil Palur
Zafa Aulia (19/04/2017 23:35)
Dapatkan kemudahan didalam service mobil anda.dg pilihan paket