Komentar :
Anggi Yusup (25/03/2018 13:11)
masjid yg Makmur, jamaahnya penuh trus, :-)
Kris Mahil (16/03/2018 01:52)
Selasa bada Maghrib -- Hari Palur Mengaji
Rudy Sulestiyo (18/01/2018 09:46)
Baarokallohu fiikum Keep Spirit.....
abuy ormas (18/01/2018 09:42)
Masjid yang Aktif barokallohu fiik , ayo radionya di aktifkan lagi ..(dr bandung)
Sarino Adhi (18/01/2018 09:40)
This mosque is so good for muslim peeps at palur kulon.
But common muslim can come too for pray. This mosque opened for 24 hours
Bima Jati Budiyanto (15/04/2016 19:20)
The only place to find happiness of Nirvana
azani rahman (16/05/2017 09:21)
Sepertinya Banyak ikhwan bermanhaj salaf shalat disini