Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Cetho Temple

Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah
Klasifikasi: Kuil Hindu
Alamat: Cetho, Gumeng, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
Rating: 4.50

Komentar :

Paulus Dimas Yunianto (17/05/2018 14:26)
This temple still serve as Hindi temple, advisable to be respectful on this area, no vandalism please

Ach Basuky (30/04/2018 01:48)
Cetho Temple is a place of Hindu praying, still used today. The temple is on the western slopes of lawu mountain with cool mountain temperatures, very exotic. Each visitor must wear the cloth "Kampuh" as a homage to enter the place of prayer

maria yoanita (03/04/2018 11:55)
The temple in the sky. Beautiful scenery!

Hendrawan Agung Yuniarno (26/03/2018 05:27)
This temple is clean and beautiful but not expose yet. I visit this place as entry post for hiking lawu mountain.

Mira ayu Pratiwi (24/02/2018 08:49)
This is the only one temple in the area which you can visit by car or by anything. Very nice like temple in Bali. It was so cold when i was there. Ticket price is so so. From the top of the temple you can see amazing landscaoe of ricefields and the tea plantation under. Wonderfull scenery. There is also a basecamp for trekker who want to go to the Lawu mountain. And parking area also so huge.

Abee Sukarna (19/02/2018 08:29)
The Hindu's temple that located on the slopes of Mount Lawu. The view of sunset and Temple were the magical moment. The Hindu people are still using the temple for some ceremonies and worship activities.

Muhammad Ghozi (14/01/2018 11:37)
Great sunset view with temple background and you can explore the pyramid there. Very nice

sheesqa munthe (12/10/2017 11:16)
Small temple in high places. We can se so many mountain around it. Great scenery tea plantation and historical object in it.
Great place to visit with family

oka mahendra (10/09/2017 13:39)
Hindu sacred temple in Central Java as it is the last stronghold for Majapahit Hindu after over taken by Islamic influence around 1500 AD.
Nowadays it becomes one of Hindu's religious spot in Indonesia

Anang Atmojo (19/08/2017 10:57)
In the high place.... beware of your car.

Mario La Sida (02/08/2017 04:56)
Mystical Place

Irma Yulinda (28/07/2017 23:06)
Mystical place, perfectly beautiful and the toilet surprisingly clean, it's squad toilet yet they don't provide soap. Came here at 8 AM and there's nobody but us, so it's easier to take pictures

Lachlan Wood (20/07/2017 03:28)
This is a very cool temple to visit. Small but very interesting. Built in the 1300's it shows an interesting snap shot in Javanese history. As it is a Hindu temple it looks similar to what you would see in Bali. The view at the top and on the way up is pretty spectacular.

Wesley Natanael (01/07/2017 07:19)
to reach this place we need to go through steep climbs road. but it was worth with its beauty and view.

Putra Teguh (19/06/2017 15:44)
enak untuk ibadah. dan menenangkan batin

Sand Diablo (19/05/2017 00:22)
Entah berapa puluh kali saya datang ke sini,, tapi saya tidak pernah bosan..!!

Acka Jogja (22/04/2017 01:12)
Mantap pernah kesini . Jika kesini harus dengan perjuangan Extra. Tempatnya yang di dataran tinggi jalan yang cukup extrim

YAN MEIDY UTOMO (26/03/2017 05:26)
Candi Cetho Jenawi Karanganyar ni konon merupakan sebuah candi Hindu Kuno. Nama/sebutan CETHO (huruf "O" pd CETHO diucapkan = sama dgn pengucapan "O" pd kata KUNO) Adapun nama/sebutan CETHO sbg nama candi ni merupakan sebutan yg diberikan o/ masyarakat sekitarny & jg merupakan nama dukuh/dusun tempat situs candi nil yg berada d Dukuh Cetho, Desa Gumeng, Kecamatan Jenawi, Kabupaten Karanganyar. Lokasiny cukup tinggi pd ketinggian ±1.496mdpl (sekitar seribu empat ratus sembilan puluh enam meter diatas permukaan laut) berada di lereng utara Gunung Lawu Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Candi Cetho ini adalah candi Hindu, ditemukan o/ Van de Vlies pd tahun 1842. Ketika diketemukan, keadaan candi ni adalah reruntuhan bebatuan 14 dataran bertingkat, memanjang dr Barat (terendah) k Timur, walau pun pd saat ni terlihat 13 teras, & hanya 9 teras yg dipugar. Konon pd teras ke-14 hanya perempuan yg masih perawan saja yg dpt smp ke teras 14 tsb.

Candi Cetho Jenawi Karanganyar ni memiliki latar belakang mirip dgn Candi Sukuh yg jg berada d Kabupaten Karanganyar yg tdk jauh dr Candi Cetho sini. Spt halny Candi Sukuh, candi ni mempunyai bentuk arsitektur yg lbh mirip dgn candi dr peradaban suku Inca d Peru, ato suku Maya d Meksiko. Selain tu jg beberapa patung yg diketemukan disini sama sekali tdk mirip dgn relief wajah Orang Jawa, namun lbh mirip dgn relief Orang Sumeria ato Orang Romawi & bs menunjukkan masa yg jauh lbh tua dr zaman Majapahit.

delta jack (29/10/2016 14:41)
Sungguh indah.. begitu sempurna ciptaanMU...pasti kangen kesana lagi

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Pura Tunggal Ika
    Jl. Raya Kemuning, Kemuning, Ngargoyoso, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57793, Indonesia
  2. Cetho Temple
    Cetho, Gumeng, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
  3. Pura Hargo Loka
    Talun, Balong, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-2648-4842
  4. Candi Sukuh
    Tambak, Berjo, Ngargoyoso, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57793, Indonesia
  5. Candi Kethek
    lereng lawu, Anggrasmanis, Gumeng, Jenawi, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57794, Indonesia
  6. Pura Indrasana
    Noyu, Sidomukti, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-2648-4842
  7. Pura Agung Amertasari
    Jl. Trengguli, Gumeng, Jenawi, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57794, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-2648-4842
  8. Cetho Temple
    Cetho, Gumeng, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
  9. Pura Lingga Buama Mahendra Agung
    Noyu, Sidomukti, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
  10. Sendang Penganten
    Glagah, Anggrasmanis, Jenawi, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57794, Indonesia
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