Komentar :
Yogie Pratama (22/02/2018 03:43)
Stylish Adi recomended
Arinil Haq (13/02/2018 03:31)
Best salon for men in the city! Great location, wide parking space, and very satisfying service. But do avoid busy hours when visiting, weekend's also going to be packed, so better book first.
mohammed mozid (09/01/2018 11:14)
Cool place, good service.
binaar a.s (14/12/2017 03:40)
rivai indra (09/12/2017 13:40)
Nice cut
Billy Rudols (04/10/2017 06:28)
Pernahbhaor cut disini,,, kacau rambut saya 😥😥
said jamal (30/08/2017 10:33)
Didik Sudyana (28/08/2017 03:20)
Terbaik deh
Arih Prihastomo (17/08/2017 08:57)
indra firmansyah (24/07/2017 09:37)
bukan bermaksud untuk memandang rendah barbershop yg lagi berkembang marak, tapi saya mempercayakan urusan rambut dengan pekerja2 profesional di salon maxx.. thanks
Muji Prasetyo Widodo (28/06/2017 21:47)
Potong rambut
Octavianus Hutagalung (20/06/2017 03:07)
Hasilnya keren..
Sesdia Angela (12/06/2017 16:00)
Bagus hasil nya
iwal affandy (12/06/2017 06:10)
Pelayanan prima . .
Hakim Lao (10/12/2016 15:16)
Jarang2 salon untuk pria kece di pekanbaru...