Komentar :
Zuliana Bie (22/10/2020 02:47)
Michael Wiyarso (21/08/2020 12:27)
Hot spicy
Dimas Wahyu (02/06/2020 16:21)
I really like eating here, but the order that I asked for too long to come so it's a bit unsatisfactory. maybe next time it is necessary to improve the ability of the crew kitchen in presenting with the specified time standard
Deny Suhendra (30/05/2019 14:54)
Retha Wiyono (27/03/2019 17:08)
Good food
Mutiara Ramadhan (08/12/2018 00:57)
Try their duck, thats delicious
Kahar Chairuddin (06/02/2018 12:31)
Ayam and bebek goreng too oily and the place is very dirty , the food is not good at all
Wendra Kurniawan (02/01/2017 10:38)
Restaurant that served Indonesian special chicken and duck served with sambal mangga. The taste is not bad considered the price is cheaper than other similar restaurant, if you want to taste local chicken and duck can try here.
Lika Usfinaria (17/01/2019 01:53)
widodo widodo (06/02/2018 08:47)
need more patience waiting for the order
Andi Mahardika (05/02/2017 22:08)
Agoeng Soeprijadi (28/05/2016 00:22)
Standart taste for this price.....but easy to accest
hady pras (14/04/2017 13:12)
yusron rohmani (30/01/2017 14:22)
Pelayannya ramah-ramah dan masakan kan nya ada ciri khas tersendiri . Bagi yang belum pernah merasakan nya bisa segera mencobanya
Ahamad Mustang (07/08/2016 04:26)
kang fatih (18/10/2016 15:30)
Murah, enak..
Kikin Lee Subscriber (15/09/2016 13:52)
Warung Makan yang cukup luas dengan beberapa pilihan tempat duduk baik lesehan maupun kursi biasa, sehingga kita bisa memilih tempat duduk sesuai yang kita kehendaki. Untuk rasa saya kasih nilai 7/8.
Tersedia juga Mushola bagi kaum Muslim melaksanakan Sholat.
Dan area parkirnya juga luas, baik untuk parkiran mobil maupun sepeda motor.
ngaeni rohman (05/09/2016 10:35)
Enake mantap
Andy Yuwono (01/08/2016 13:29)
Warung bebek goreng
Ibrahim Fahmi (10/06/2016 06:12)
Lesehan dg harga terjangkau & taste lumayan.. Cuman rasanya masih kalah sama warung sagu cabang lain..