Komentar :
mochamad imron (22/09/2020 04:26)
Clean & cool room. Regular queue. Those who want to pay vehicle tax bring the original STNK & valid KTP / original SIM. Towards the registration counter, enter the documents into the yellow folder provided and then stack them in order. Sit & wait to be called to pay the vehicle tax. Simple.
nyoa98 (25/08/2020 11:25)
Comfortable place with air conditioning, free parking, application of physical distancing, fast & responsive service
Ahmad Rikza Muslim (14/08/2020 08:19)
Community service, but not professional ... the clerk said it was open at 3. Waiting from before 3 to mid-5 not a single officer was seen ...
Arsenearto Wenger (30/07/2020 03:18)
Sepi uaademmmmm be be brrrrrr
mohamad ardian (12/04/2020 03:06)
Hari senin 13 April msih bukak apa???
Nabila Joe (26/03/2020 11:17)
Masi buka pa kantor xa soalxa selasa kmren mlm kok tutup
king zahro (16/03/2020 15:14)
Rizky Agistyan (06/03/2020 15:33)
Pelayanannya lumayan cepat, petugasnya kurang senyum
Di Ajeng (16/12/2019 01:59)
Mantap 👍
Cipta Hari (01/09/2019 06:24)
Prosesnya cepat
Rizal lukis segala media (06/02/2019 01:46)
Antri itu kan wajar....cepet kok prosesnya....lumayan sejuk ruang antri nya....g tau lagi kalo overload....fasilitas cukup lah...coba diberi free candy/welcome drink.....bisa lebih nyaman lagi....lebih semangat... Cm sayang untuk orang yg baru pertama kali masuk gak ad pengarahan....
Erida Nurul (26/12/2018 03:37)
Tempatnya bersih, cuman kalo datang pas habis libur panjang. Bakalan antri ruar biasa