Komentar :
Giovani Fabiano (30/05/2018 14:09)
Hotelnya berada di kawasan tengah kota Jombang. Landmark dari Monumen Ringin Contong menuju ke arah Jl. Gusdur. Cukup mudah ditemui karena berada di pinggir jalan utama kota Jombang. Memiliki jumlah kamar yang cukup banyak dan lahan parkir yang cukup luas. Menyediakan beberapa kelas kamar. Mulai dari reguler hingga VIP
Feny F. Dewi (24/02/2018 09:37)
The exterior is much better than the interior.
Rendy Kurniawan (13/02/2018 15:13)
small room. dirty toilet. not friendly staff. cash only payment. and when they have problem with the payment, didnt contact me immediately, so me & my team have to pay extra money in the middle of my stay. not recommended hotel. This is my first and will be the last time i stay in here.
Alexander Titiahy (23/12/2017 23:57)
Not so good the facilities room service.
dody himawan (30/11/2017 09:36)
Nice new place to stay for a while, but the Air Conditioner is not very cool. May be you must check your maintaince schedule to fix it.
adli imam (15/04/2017 15:08)
There is no hot water, WiFi, table, and even dresser in the room. The hotel also didn't provide breakfast nor restaurant. The towel for bathroom is so thin that you would mistake it for sport towel instead. Oh, did I forget to mention they also didn't replace the towel nor clean your room properly on daily basis?
I would give it 0 star if I could, but there is no option for that unfortunately. Consider staying at F*tma hotel instead, it's only around 1 km from here with better facility and lower price at that.
Raditya ArRasyid (11/08/2017 09:14)
good for family vacation
saki jiro (16/06/2017 03:27)
No breakfast, not cheap....
Rudi Gmail Nuriadi (07/06/2017 16:20)
Clean and cozy
Akbar Mia (17/05/2017 12:57)
Cozy place...
Dicky Setiawan (02/04/2017 14:17)
Fasilitas hotel yg tidak layak, hotel dengan harga mahal tapi handuk mandi kaya kain pel, pintu kamar mandi rusak gk ada air anget juga,
Pokoknya mengecewakan hotel nya
Pelayanan buruk
AHMAD QOMARUDIN (15/01/2017 11:45)
Hotel dekat pusat kota, hanya saja fasilitas kurang baik. AC kamarku kurang dingin, handuk mandi dgn ukuran kecil dan sangat tipis sehingga daya serap kurang. Tidak ada petunjuk arah kiblat.
Fariz Chamim (03/10/2016 06:01)
Hotel harga 350 ribu. Kondisi nya sangat gak layak. AC apek, tv tabung 14 inch gambar jelek krn antena putus, kotor, remote tv gak ada & tombol pencet rusak.gak ada breakfast.hotel terburuk di indonesia dg harga segitu. Semoga dibenahi oleh management
5ULT0N 4Z1D1N (27/08/2016 19:34)
Iil feel
Hari Hiswara (30/07/2016 09:42)
ill feel
kuntajaya ahmad (16/01/2016 23:59)
No good..
Ghoniyah Husna (06/10/2016 09:13)
Masih byk yg hrs diperbaiki. Syg bgt, pdhl lokasinya tengah kota..
Harun Abdul Aziz (09/09/2016 05:58)
not recomended. kemahalan, untuk ukuran hotel segitu. g ad breakfast, ac g dingin. pokoknya g well
Lalu Rauhil Ahyan (30/04/2015 03:18)
Perlu ada Transport hotel