Komentar :
Mitra Pajakku (08/05/2018 22:48)
lebih ke penipuan, sudah DP, barang pesanan tidak dikerjakan berbulan-bulan. susah ditagih kembali uang DPnya. harap hati-hati transaksi dengan jasa ukir amirul jepara.
legofarand (24/10/2017 14:03)
FRAUD! be careful. we lost substantial amount of money, promised to be down payment of the stuff we ordered. we never received the goods yet all contact was blocked
A person named AMIRUL HIDAYAH is the culprit with the following bank account BNI - 024 - 308 - 9426 and MANDIRI 900 - 00-1568693 - 5..
Other phone number is 0857 - 2695 - 9597