Komentar :
Andhy Saputro (01/06/2020 08:58)
5 year ago i got good service and good explain form operator . A have good attitude
Bagus Rachman (19/08/2019 07:13)
Custumers service kcp jepara Cooperative dengan peserta bpjs ketenagakerjaan..terima kasih atas bantuanya
anisa shofi (16/05/2019 02:49)
BPJS ketenagakerjaan yang mencakup seluruh wilayah jepara, untuk tenaga kerja baik perusahaan maupun pabrik....
devinelss dev (26/07/2018 14:49)
Why just two star? I should take one star only,and i think Man employes be better than woman employes,so i wanna womans can explain to visitor about the service of office and don't talk hard to our as visitor or eks employes of company,there many people don't know about "flowchart" how to claim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan,so PLEASE ,look at your service,your service to us verry Bad,do you understand?
(*Auto Ejaan Keyboard ;kesehatan>>ketenagakerjaan=)
Andy Andy (17/12/2017 04:08)
The only branch in Jepara...no need go to Kudus
arfiani rizki (01/12/2017 01:21)
Weny Amala (30/06/2017 12:44)
Good services
Dev & Kin (26/07/2018 14:49)
Why just two star? I should take one star only,and i think Man employes be better than woman employes,so i wanna womans can explain to visitor about the service of office and don't talk hard to our as visitor or eks employes of company,there many people don't know about "flowchart" how to claim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan,so PLEASE ,look at your service,your service to us verry Bad,do you understand?
(*Auto Ejaan Keyboard ;kesehatan>>ketenagakerjaan=)
Mr Syaifurohman (13/01/2018 00:36)
Nice service
devin elss (26/07/2018 14:49)
Why just two star? I should take one star only,and i think Man employes be better than woman employes,so i wanna womans can explain to visitor about the service of office and don't talk hard to our as visitor or eks employes of company,there many people don't know about "flowchart" how to claim BPJS Ketenagakerjaan,so PLEASE ,look at your service,your service to us verry Bad,do you understand?
(*Auto Ejaan Keyboard ;kesehatan>>ketenagakerjaan=)
Ahmad Muhajir (09/03/2018 15:12)
Mudah di cari
Syaifur Rohman (13/01/2018 00:36)
Nice service
syamsul arifin (26/07/2017 12:12)
Pelayanan bagus
abeel haqqi (19/05/2017 19:59)
Bisa dengan mudah mengklaim bpjs tenaga kerja