Komentar :
Shane Coombes (01/03/2018 09:06)
Anyone in and around Kuta who gets crook while on holidays, go see this guy. Takes a while to get in, around an hour to an hour and a half. He diagnosed me and dispensed tablets for 150000 INR, about $15 Australian. A bit of a tip for you is to get a number out of the box at the front door and keep an eye on what number he is up to inside the reception area.
张小维 (14/08/2017 09:49)
Friendly and nice doc. It's a warm place
David (30/05/2017 14:55)
Really friendly and nice doc like his employees👍🏼completely satisfied with the treatment!
Just make sure to have an appointment, otherwise plan to wait about an hour
Greetings from a german backpacker
Sam Owens (21/04/2017 01:25)
I'm from Australia, I became sick whilst in Bali. Dr Arya was fantastic very knowledgeable Doctor and very helpful.
Devi Susanti (09/03/2017 07:03)
Really the best our family doctors...!!!
Davidson (30/05/2017 14:55)
Really friendly and nice doc like his employees👍🏼completely satisfied with the treatment!
Just make sure to have an appointment, otherwise plan to wait about an hour
Greetings from a german backpacker
Lisa dewi (10/03/2017 13:02)
Pertama sih saya belom tau ya dmn ada dokter deket"tempat tinggal say,,karena saya sering ngajak anak berobat ke puskesmas aja,,sampai 1 minggu kadang anak saya sakit,,mungkin g cocok ama obat dr puskesmas,,setelah saya dkasi tau sama temen,,datang aja ke dokter arya,,dr anak saya berumur 1 tahun sampai sekarang say sudah jadi langganan dsana,,,selain tempaty yg bersih,,pelayanan pun bagus,,anak saya pun cocok berobat ke dokter arya😊makasi dokter arya
Good job dokter
Adi Damanik (12/01/2017 15:21)
The best of the best
Agus Eliyas (05/01/2017 12:32)
Good doctor