Komentar :
huhu hani (29/05/2018 23:19)
Always has very long line to register until to the pharmacy. Its really crowded and took more than a half of day! They should to improve the system. For the service, doctors, nurses and staff are good. Public space quite clean. The car park is small. Better to ride a bike instead of drive a car. Hard to find space for car.
gayus renaldy (13/03/2018 05:42)
Muh. N. Dewantoro (04/10/2017 15:01)
Appendectomy take 5 hours it is amazing unbelievable. Need more improvements of the system.
Miftahul Fajri (30/06/2017 08:23)
Mostly good service at all ... But parking area are too small
Navyanto Arasma (20/04/2017 09:19)
Not inviting from the front.
I PUTU ADI TAMA (08/12/2016 22:05)
Small parking lot, goverment hospital
turah manik (21/05/2016 13:05)
The parking area is too tight and you should turn around the building just to get parking. The service is like in slow motion. Be healthy and you should not be here.
Nizamul Amri (22/09/2016 12:39)
Chris Ang (17/12/2015 00:02)
Getting more modern
Siswanto Agus (09/12/2015 13:05)
Are you sick? Come here...
Dewa Bali (14/07/2016 03:39)
Sabar yah kalau antreannya panjang. Sayang kurang ditunjang fsilitas parkir memadai
Suwena I Kadek (06/06/2016 01:50)
Dalam pembenahan
Tantri Mindrawan (15/12/2015 16:18)
tingkatkan lagi pelayanannya :)