Komentar :
Radyt Dedot (18/03/2018 11:14)
Ya kayak bukan di kota kalo kita nginap sini @😍😍😍
Deny Sutiandar (03/01/2018 02:31)
tidak sopan
Agha alamsyah (11/10/2017 23:14)
Kmar sesuai dngan harga...😁😁
Klu urusan tmpat enak nyaman ga bising..
Erwin Puji (20/02/2017 17:34)
Tempt nya nyaman ramah bersih tpi klo bisa lebih di tingkat kan lagi.
Untuk harga sewa nya sangat relevan.
Arseny Jin (28/01/2016 06:42)
It is a great place, which we accidentally found when arrived to Kuta. It is quite and relaxed, people who are in charge are very nice and helpful, rooms are big and price is very reasonable. It's 10 minutes to the quite and beautiful beach. I'll recommend it to all low-budget travelers!