Komentar :
Franchute (02/04/2018 12:48)
Staff couldn’t have been friendlier, the examination was complete and thorough, very professional. The doctors were really helpful and all my doubts were answered. It was also extremely cheap considering they gave me the medication in the hospital itself without having to buy it outside.
trung ydang (03/12/2017 08:53)
Dich vu tot, vi tri tot
Tommy Wijaya (09/10/2017 06:08)
You should avoid this hospital like a plague, services are bad, nobody pay attention to the patient, very very expensive, one night in here is much more expensive than premium Villa, without insurance,, they'll suck you dry! beware, you'd been warned.
Caecilia Caecilia (20/08/2016 02:16)
fast response, waktu kita lagi jalan ke bali tiba2 temen penyakitnya kumat dan cuma di graha asih yg ada dokter berhubung pas tanggal merah
Tantri Mindrawan (29/12/2015 02:24)
good service and the staff are very friendly
Widiananda Pratama (06/07/2017 06:11)
Saya pernah menengok Aldi yang sedang sakit. Perawat membantu dokter memeriksa pasien.
Abdullah Hadi (24/05/2017 08:31)
Saya pernah berkunjung ke RSU GRAHA ASIH
Balqes Channel (02/10/2016 09:02)
Good service
wiwik ratna (13/09/2015 03:52)
slmt siang,, d RS Graha asih hospital ada lowongan gk buat bidan???
alhafidzi wahyu (31/05/2014 16:32)
Kost kubujelek