Komentar :
jimmy stefanus (22/01/2018 15:51)
You can buy liquor in this place
Arslan U (15/01/2018 10:51)
Dian Anggraeni (14/01/2018 02:15)
Not complete, but for buying milk for 👶 in midnight this is the place. Especially the coco bread, cheaper &😋
Fred Depraetere (27/10/2017 16:34)
Nice little shop for the bare essentials. Friendly staff.
Caroline turner booth (07/10/2017 02:28)
Great value for everything
刘泽森 (05/10/2017 23:44)
arya sugatama (03/05/2017 01:08)
great service for customer
Miss Gokil (09/11/2016 08:54)
Harga barangnya ga sesuai dgn yg tercantum di rak begitu bawa ke kasir harga barangnya langsung berubah naik dr harga sebelumnya yg tercantum.. Pernah sekali belanja kesana.. Ga mw kesana lagi... Not recommend...
Mrx (14/09/2016 16:23)
Bagus pelayanannya tpi klo masih ada orang yg dduk di snie jngn sering matiin wi-fi nya ..
Bntr2 wi-fi nya di matiin .