Komentar :
Sunday pro (18/02/2018 19:01)
They too never have small cups and therefore you have to buy the big one.
I don't care about 3K Rupiah more. But for many locals it matters. And since this is a non confrontation culture here, they all accept, instead of fight for the right.
And when telling them, to fill the big cup only 3/4 and charge me a small cup. They're completely confused and look at you as if you're from Mars.
As if their brain is thinking, "Do not compute, Do not compute, order not find. Must smile and hope the customers changes his mind."
Novianita Ayu Sejati (22/12/2017 23:40)
My sister loves this drink very much . I don't know where the special with this drink 😅
Hendra Darmawan (12/11/2017 10:14)
Pilihan yang tepat untuk menghilangkan dahaga
Alit Mahisa (22/09/2017 06:16)
Amazing teas/drinks and flexible because you can choose the amount of sugar you want, from no sugar upwards.
Ro Mico (15/04/2017 11:32)
Rame always