Komentar :
I Made Gede Wahyudiantara (25/02/2018 07:35)
Best selection of skincare products
john raimon (16/01/2018 22:13)
Toko yang lumayan lengkap dan unik!!!
Josephine Sawirin (04/10/2017 10:49)
Local, organic, and natural product..24/7 serum is also my fav one, it has a great lemongrass-ish smells..so refreshing!
mandy loren (13/09/2017 03:55)
Sahil Gandhi (24/08/2016 10:10)
This shop is selling some amazing natural spa and beauty range of products. Great concept and the owner seems to have more than 15 yrs of experience in the spa and beauty industry, she is also Super nice and friendly, I love this brand:)
sneaklin bali (13/08/2016 03:19)
Aditya Prakarsa (11/08/2016 06:41)
Best body care products with safe and natural ingredients. Recommended!