Komentar :
Laurentia Lilis (14/04/2018 11:45)
Tonight I accompanied my husband to go to this clinic. However, it is so disappointing since they purposely skip my husband twice when we queue. How could a clinic did like that? It is about somebody's health? It is an act that is unacceptable.
Kadek Suparni (02/04/2018 13:47)
Masukan: buat no antrian sperti di RS urut 1-100 supya lngsg daftar preksa dpt no urut antrian, dan menungu sesuai no nya
Andy Tsui (23/12/2017 12:30)
Have 3 stitches and took less than 30 minutes, doctors and nurses are great and professional, speak very fluent English too. Cost 750k rp including medication, consultation and operation.
jen scott (23/10/2017 05:39)
Went to get bandage changed after I got stitches in a hospital. Doctor spoke enough English and seemed competent. Cash only.
Heri Agus (18/10/2017 02:29)
Brian Daigneault (28/12/2013 00:33)
The bukit is an awesome place but a little far from most things like a decent hospital, but here is a great place I recommend about 30-40 minutes from uluwatu. The KLINIK RAHAYU ASIH is a private clinic with great service, decent price, and they speak good English which is always a plus. My buddy split his head open on our 3rd day into the trip, he required 7 stitches, is took about 30 minutes and cost $500K RPH including some ointment and extra bandages. Here are pictures and a map to make sure you can find it.
Putrayasa Komang (13/10/2016 23:51)
Dokter mega sangat bagus , pak dokter sangat komunikatif, . Pembayaran terlalu MAHAL ,sekali periksa + obat Rp 460.000 no Invoice..
Adi Abri Ganjar Utama (12/08/2015 03:16)
Klinik yang bagus, dengan Dokter yang sangat bagus pula. Dokter Mega Komunikatif, selalu support pasien, dan nggak matrealistis seperti Dokter Kandungan kebanyakan yang dikit dikit minta caesar.. ( Beliau malah support istri saya agar melahirkan normal - meski ambulance sudah siap sedia 24jam untuk mengantar ke RS terdekat jikalau memang terpaksa harus caesar )
Pelayanan oke banget, saya malah surprise dengan Roomnya, seperti room VIP di RS Swasta, yang ternyata harga yang saya bayar bisa dibilang sangat murah dengan pelayanan dan kualitas tenaga medis yang sangat baik.
Very Recomended Clinic untuk yang mau melahirkan, periksa anak dan lain lain :)